Thursday 19 December 2013


On Medlink, I was told about an amazing campaign which has just been started on Instagram called #heartsave and I want to encourage as many people as possible to get involved. 
There are thousands of portable defibrillators located around the world which could save someone's life is they were to go into cardiac arrest. All you have to do to get involved, is to take a photo of these defibrillators when you see them and post it to Instagram, with the hashtag 'heartsave'. Instagram geotags all of its photos and the plan is that, if enough people get involved, we will be able to create an app based on these posts, which will show the location of the defibrillators, meaning that if someone were to have a heart attack, people nearby would be able to quickly use their smartphone to locate the nearest defibrillator. The probability of survival after a cardiac arrest can decrease by as much as 10% for every minute of delay after collapse without treatment. If a bystander could locate an AED more quickly than the emergency services are able to arrive and begin treatment, this could hugely increase the chances of survival for this person. This campaign has the potential to save lives if enough people will get involved. It's easy and takes no time at all, please get involved if you can. #HEARTSAVE

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